Privacy policy RexApp

Treatment of personal data

This information is provided pursuant to the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”, European regulation 2016/679), which will come into force starting from 25 May 2018.
The regulation introduces clearer rules on information and consent, defines the limits to the automated processing of Personal Data, lays the foundations for the exercise of new rights, establishes strict criteria for the transfer of Data outside the EU and for cases of breach of Personal Data (data breach).

List of data processed by E-time S.r.l. for the provision of its services: shared with or sold to other organizations for commercial purposes, except to provide products or services you’ve requested, when we have your permission, or under the following circumstances:

  1. Navigation data
    The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this site acquire, in normal operation, some personal data which are then implicitly transmitted in the use of Internet communication protocols. By their nature, this information could, through associations and processing with data held by third parties, allow users / visitors to be identified (eg IP address, domain names of the computers used by users / visitors who connect to the site). These data are used only for statistical information (and are therefore anonymous) as well as to check the correct functioning of the site. No data deriving from the web service will be communicated or disseminated. These data may be used by the Data Controller for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the site.
  2. Data provided voluntarily by users / visitors
    The provision of data is optional. Failure to provide this data will only make it impossible to access some documents and to obtain the company newsletter. The data provided will be processed by E-time S.r.l. exclusively with the methods and procedures necessary to provide the requested services.
  3. Cookies


What are Cookies

Cookies are small text files that are stored on computers, mobile phones and other devices used to browse the internet. Through cookies, it is possible to store and save information on the user’s browsing and their preferences, helping to improve the browsing experience, thus quickly explaining the importance they have for us. Being able to evaluate the effectiveness of the usability of the various areas of our site allows us to analyze user behavior and consequently contribute to the improvement of the service offered.

If you wish to disable the use of cookies, simply change the settings of your computer and the browser used for navigation (see the paragraph on Managing Cookies).

Types of Cookies

Technical cookies
They are used to the extent strictly necessary to ensure easy navigation by users, while allowing the storage of certain data such as login credentials. They are not used for any other purpose. Cookies in this category include:

  • navigation or session cookies: they are used to guarantee the correct functioning of the site. If disabled, some parts of the site may not work properly.
  • analytics cookies: used to collect information on the number of users and how they visit the site. All information is collected anonymously.
  • functionality cookies: allow the user a functional navigation based on the selected criteria (such as language). The aim is to offer an optimal service.



Profiling cookies

They are aimed at creating user profiles and are used to send a commercial offer – advertising messages consistent with the preferences expressed by the user himself in the context of surfing the net. As established by Italian and European legislation, in the presence of these cookies the user will be asked to provide their prior consent.


Third party cookies

Our website may allow the use of third-party cookies, over which we have no direct control and are therefore unrelated to the operation of these cookies, as they are set by third-party managers. Our site allows the use of cookies from the company Google, and social plugins Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, You tube.

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Rexpondo is the ticketing and ITSM solution forked from the Open Source solution ((OTRS)) Community edition.


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